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Subject: Re: Feld Hell Date: Wed Feb 26 2020 04:44 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: Don Lowery

-=> Don Lowery wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 DL> When I bought my FT-450 about 10 years ago...looked at your Icom. Hard
 DL> to believe they are still building/selling them. Have also been
 DL> thinking (if I can find it)...getting the 80 M loop for the
 DL> SuperAntenna & joining the Sunday morning Net on 80 from Idaho.

The 718s remain a popular radio: simple, easy to operate, and a rather sensitive
receiver.  The ham who owned my radio before was a radio tech and
due to his living in a noisy area turned down the sensitivity of the main
internal pre-amp so my 718 is not as sensitive as it should be.  Once I can
afford it, I'll send my radio to be "reset" to factory condition.

 DL> Nice!!! Am wondering how difficult it would be to compile FLDigi to run
 DL> under OS/2? Many of the libraries should be available. Maybe it's time
 DL> to contact the author to see what he says. If I could do the FT/JT
 DL> modes...along with Hell & such...that would be a hell of a use for
 DL> OS/2. For that matter...someone where the author of JT-65 & such should
 DL> be smart enough to do a copy for OS/2.

You'd have to port fltk to OS/2 which may or may not be easy.  QT5 is in the
process of being ported to OS/2 but it's neither cheap nor easy so it's
slow-going.  On my shack computer, I now have virtual machines for Windows 7
Pro, Windows 10 Pro, OS/2 Warp 4.52, ArcaOS Personal Edition 5.0.3, FreeDOS, and
a 32-bit version of Slackware Linux.  I'm covered. :D

I think I'm going to order some more wire as it seems I cut my 40 meter
dipole too short by accident.  Works great as a 20 meter dipole. :D  This
time around, I'll just cut it to 80 meters and cover it all.  I have a big
MFJ-969 Versa Tuner Deluxe II (I think that's it) that can handle matching
pretty well.  There's almost no trees on the property I'm on right now so
everything has to be a low-altitude sloper.

I'm seriously considering getting a Jetstream JTV680 6-80 meter vertical
that doesn't require radials.  It's a compromise antenna for sure but it
would be a hell of a lot easier to put up in my current situation.  Comet
makes another version of this antenna but for $100 more ...

But for now, it's just all talk.  I've got to get my foot operated on and
then get back to work if I can.


... If at first you don't succeed, you're doing about average.
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