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Subject: The Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Sat Feb 22 2020 04:07 pm
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                         
   February 20, 2020                                                       
     * Coronavirus Outbreak Postpones Swains Island W8S DXpedition          
     * VP8PJ South Orkney DXpedition Team Arrives                           
     * KX9X Offers Five Tips on Satellite Operating Etiquette               
     * ARRL Podcast Schedule                                                
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                                
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                            
     * Emergency Communication Exercise Set in Northern Florida            
     * Mississippi ARES^(R) Emergency Coordinator Credits Training for     
       Effective Tornado Response                                          
     * Yasme Foundation Announces Grants and Excellence Awards             
     * New World Distance Record Claimed on 122 GHz                        
     * FAA's Proposed Remote Identification Rules Would Affect Drones,     
       Hobby Planes                                                        
     * In Brief...                                                         
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions              
   Coronavirus Outbreak Postpones Swains Island W8S DXpedition             
   The W8S DXpedition to Swains Island in the Pacific, set to take place   
   in mid-March, has been postponed until September as a result of travel  
   restrictions imposed on individuals entering American Samoa, stemming   
   from the recent coronavirus outbreak. The Department of Health allows   
   non-residents to enter American Samoa only via Hawaii after a 14-day    
   mandatory quarantine, and the DXpedition was unable to accommodate that 
   "Everything is prepared for our DXpedition, and we are eager to go, but 
   unfortunately the coronavirus outbreak is out of our control," the      
   DXpedition team said in announcing the delay. "Although this is a       
   disappointment for everyone, the W8S DXpedition is not cancelled, just  
   postponed for later this year."                                         
   The DXpedition said it would alert the DX community as soon as it has   
   new firm dates for the trip.                                            
   VP8PJ South Orkney DXpedition Team Arrives                              
   The VP8PJ South Orkney DXpedition team, on board the Braveheart,        
   reached Signy Island in the South Orkneys just after 1000 UTC on        
   February 20. Team members are now preparing to land Zodiacs and         
   transfer equipment.                                                     
   "We have ice to contend with regarding our planned landing area," the   
   DXpedition reported. "The ice was pushed in during the previous days,   
   but we are expecting the winds to change and blow the ice out. We are   
   currently looking for an alternate site to unload, then move the        
   equipment to the planned site. An alternative camp/operations area is   
   being considered as we evaluate current conditions."                    
   The Perseverance DX Group-sponsored DXpedition was set to commence      
   operation on February 20 (UTC), but it appears that could be delayed.   
   Team members operated as ZL1NA/mm during their voyage, generating heavy 
   pileups, and they expect to continue doing so once they get set up as   
   Operation on CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8 (always fox/hound mode except on 60 
   meters) will continue until March 5 (UTC). Stations in Africa and       
   Oceania may call at any time, regardless of operators' directional      
   The VP8PJ DXpedition is the recipient of an ARRL Colvin Award grant,    
   funded by an endowment established by Lloyd D. Colvin, W6KG (SK).       
   Heading the 14-member DXpedition team are Dave Lloyd, K3EL, and Les     
   Kalmus, W2LK.                                                           
   South Orkney Islands is the 16th most-wanted DXCC entity, according to  
   Club Log.                                                               
   The DXpedition advises that DXers wait until propagation and conditions 
   favor their location. VP8PJ will always operate split, and operators    
   will indicate where they are listening.                                 
   QSL via OQRS for direct or bureau, or direct via QSL Manager Tim        
   Beaumont, M0URX; log search will also be available. Read more. --Thanks 
   to The Daily DX for some information                                    
   KX9X Offers Five Tips on Satellite Operating Etiquette                  
   Former ARRL Contest Branch Manager and Media and Public Relations       
   Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X, shared "Five Tips on Etiquette and Good      
   Manners on the FM Ham Radio Satellites" on the DX Engineering blog, On  
   All Bands. Kutzko said the transient nature of satellite availability   
   can lead to "a natural sense of urgency" among operators trying to      
   operate through it.                                                     
   "Satellite operating comes with several challenges, not the least of    
   which is that it is one of the ultimate shared resources in the hobby," 
   Kutzko wrote. "While there are now several satellites to choose from, a 
                                      Sean Kutzko, KX9X.                   
   given satellite is only above the horizon for a maximum of 15 minutes   
   or so. Lots of people trying to access a satellite during a short       
   window of opportunity can create problems, and that can bring out some  
   undesirable behavior."                                                  
   In terms of operating etiquette for satellites, Kutzko advised that the 
   "big one," is "Don't transmit if you can't hear the satellite first."   
   He notes that whistling or saying such things as "hello" and "check     
   one-two" are bad form.                                                  
   "If you don't hear other activity, you're probably not going to hear    
   yourself, either," Kutzko explained. "Blindly calling or whistling may  
   cause unintentional interference to other stations that can properly    
   hear the satellite."                                                    
   Next on the list is to wait your turn. "Given the rapid nature of       
   satellite contacts, you shouldn't have to wait very long for your       
   chance during a pass," Kutzko wrote.                                    
   Kutzko also advised to always use phonetics when operating on the FM    
   satellites. "Phonetics help ensure your call [sign] is copied correctly 
   the first time and can save a lot of precious moments during a short    
   pass," he said.                                                         
   Also, avoid making repeat contacts with a station you've worked         
   previously and resist the temptation to greet an old friend. "[E]ach    
   contact you make with a person you've already had several contacts with 
   prevents another person from making a contact," Kutzko pointed out.     
   Finally, he said, "It may be best to let the rare station have the pass 
   and try to work as many stations as they can. In some cases, the rare   
   station may only be audible for a portion of the pass you're on, with   
   the station moving out of the satellite's footprint before it moves out 
   of range for you," Kutzko recommended.                                  
   "Satellite activity is at an all-time high, with new sats being         
   launched on a regular basis and more operators discovering how much fun 
   there is to be had," he concluded. "By being mindful of others trying   
   to make contacts and thinking of others on the pass, we can all         
   contribute to a better satellite environment for everyone."             
   Kutzko won the June 2018 QST Cover Plaque Award for his article, "Get   
   on the Satellites for ARRL Field Day." He steered satellite newcomers   
   to his earlier blog posts to help them get started.                     
   ARRL Podcast Schedule                                                   
   ARRL's "On the Air" podcast's second episode (February 13) focuses on   
   building the ground plane antenna featured in the first issue of On the 
   Air magazine, a discussion of open-wire feed lines, and an interview    
   with a relatively new public service volunteer. New "On the Air"        
   podcast episodes are available monthly.                                 
   The first episode of the "Eclectic Tech" podcast (February 13) includes 
   a discussion of amateur radio activity on the Qatar-OSCAR 100           
   satellite, an interview with Assistant ARRL Lab Manager Bob Allison,    
   WB1GCM, about handheld transceiver testing at Dayton Hamvention and     
   other conventions, and an interview with Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA,      
   about propagation conditions. New episodes will be available biweekly.  
   Both podcasts are available on iTunes (iOS) and Stitcher (Android) as   
   well as on Blubrry -- On the Air | Eclectic Tech.                       
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                   
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: The most recent sunspot appearance    
   was on February 1, nearly 3 weeks ago.                                  
   The average daily solar flux over the past week declined just barely,   
   from 71.1 to 70.9. The average daily planetary A index changed from 8.3 
   to 7, and mid-latitude A index went from 6.7 to 5.1. Solar activity     
   remains very low.                                                       
   Solar flux is projected to remain very low -- 70 on February 20 - 27,   
   and 71 on February 28 - April 4.                                        
   The predicted planetary A index is 18, 10, and 8 on February 20 - 22; 5 
   on February 23 - 25; 8 and 12 on February 26 - 27; 5 on February 28 -   
   March 3; 20, 15, and 8 on March 4 - 6; 5 on March 7 - 14; 10, 8, 10, 8, 
   and 5 on March 15 - 19; 10, 8, 5, 8, 12, and 10 on March 20 - 25; 5 on  
   March 26 - 30; 20 on March 31, and 15, 8, 5, and 5 on April 1 - 4.      
   Sunspot numbers for February 13 - 19 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0, with 
   a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 71.2, 71.3, 70.6, 70.5, 70.7, 
   71, and 71, with a mean of 70.9. Estimated planetary A indices were 3,  
   3, 5, 3, 7, 14, and 14, with a mean of 7. The middle latitude A index   
   was 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 11, and 10, with a mean of 5.1.                      
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL         
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the   
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"    
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                  
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer       
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.        
   Share your reports and observations.                                    
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                                
     * February 21 - 23 -- CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB                       
     * February 22 - 23 -- REF Contest, SSB                                
     * February 22 - 23 -- UK/EI DX Contest (CW)                           
     * February 23 -- SARL Digital Contest                                 
     * February 23 -- High Speed Club CW Contest                           
     * February 24 - 25 -- QCX Challenge (CW)                              
     * February 26 -- SKCC Sprint (CW)                                     
     * February 26 -- UKEICC 80-Meter Contest (CW)                         
     * February 27 -- RSGB 80-Meter Club Championship (CW)                 
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth        
   reporting on amateur radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest    
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                  
   Emergency Communication Exercise Set in Northern Florida                
   On Sunday, March 1, dozens of amateur radio volunteers from several     
   states will take part in a 3-hour exercise in the northern Florida city 
   of Gainesville. The exercise is designed to test and evaluate skills,   
   assets, and strategies for emergency communication, such as those that  
   might be needed in the aftermath of a hurricane. The exercise is being  
   organized by the North Florida Amateur Radio Club (NFARC) and the       
   Gainesville Amateur Radio Society (GARS), as part of the third annual   
   Amateur Radio Communications Conference, held on Saturday and Sunday,   
   February 29 - March 1.                                                  
   This year's "Hot and Cold" exercise scenario is based on hypothetical   
   high-pressure natural gas pipeline ruptures and subsequent fires, as    
   well as a loss of electrical power during an extreme cold-weather       
   event. The sudden widespread event then caused telecommunications       
   failures in undersea cables to develop, with widespread communication   
   systems overloading and failing.                                        
   Exercise planners used the revised and just-released Homeland Security  
   Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) in planning the event. The      
   update incorporates feedback and input from exercise planners and       
   practitioners across the country and ensures that HSEEP doctrine, the   
   training course, and corresponding documents continue to best meet the  
   needs of communities.                                                   
   Collaborating Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference         
   lecturers have created a more than 200-page manual for the multi-track  
   training sessions on Saturday. Participants will get to put what they   
   learned into practice the next day, as they fan out to seven assigned   
   simulated shelter locations and the Alachua County Emergency Operations 
   Center. The club says Alachua County Emergency Manager Hal Grieb is     
   supporting the volunteer-driven Homeland Security exercise and          
   evaluation program-based effort, and he and his staff will serve as     
   evaluators. Former FEMA ministrator Craig Fugate, KK4INZ, also plans  
   to be on hand.                                                          
   For the past 3 years, NFARC has published the conference proceedings,   
   and last year, it also published the written report of its exercise.    
   Last year's exercise scenario focused on a new respiratory virus that   
   had crippled the nation.                                                
   With the release of the updated 2020 HSEEP document, FEMA will be       
   hosting webinars to provide information, highlights, and changes as a   
   result of the review process. Webinars will continue until mid-May.     
   Visit the HSEEP webpage for additional dates and times. -- Thanks to    
   Dr. Gordon Gibby, KX4Z; The ARES E-Letter                               
   Mississippi ARES^(R) Emergency Coordinator Credits Training for         
   Effective Tornado Response                                              
   Amateur Radio Emergency Service^(R) (ARES^(R)) volunteers in DeSoto     
   County, Mississippi, devoted a January weekend to assisting local       
   emergency managers in responding to tornado damage in the region.       
   Desoto County Emergency Coordinator Ricky Chambers, KF5WVJ; Assistant   
   EC Gene ams, KF5KVL; Tate County EC Brad Kerley, KG5TTU, and Andy     
   Luscomb, AG5FG, reported at 3 AM on January 11 to the DeSoto County     
   Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to open a SKYWARN weather watch.      
   After a tornado warning was issued for DeSoto County, Chambers          
   activated an emergency net on a local repeater. Ten minutes into the    
   net, however, the repeater went down, and the net switched to simplex.  
   The net subsequently moved to another operational repeater.             
   Initial reports of downed trees blocking roadways and an eyewitness     
   report of a possible tornado southwest of Hernando came in just after 5 
   AM. The ARES team at the EOC began taking damage reports, answering the 
   telephone, and monitoring and taking calls from public safety           
   dispatchers. When the deputy EMA director requested traffic control in  
   Lewisburg, three of the ARES volunteers accompanied EMA director Chris  
   Olson to Lewisburg. Chambers and Kerley assumed traffic control, and    
   Olson asked that Chambers put out a call for ARES/RACES volunteers and  
   EMA reservists to report to the EOC. The ham radio volunteers also      
   handled welfare checks.                                                 
   A dozen ARES/RACES and EMA reservists returned the next day to conduct  
   door-to-door damage assessment. For the next 10 days, Chambers          
   reported, the DeSoto County volunteers assisted in handling telephone   
   traffic in the EOC, freeing up first responders to do their primary     
   "I attribute our effective response to the training we have conducted   
   on a monthly basis," Chambers said, noting that training included       
   recommended ARRL courses. "We were able to see how the Incident Command 
   System worked on a first-hand basis as the incident unfolded, based on  
   the ICS training courses we have taken. My group went from 0 to 110 MPH 
   in seconds, never missing a beat [and] everyone performed on a          
   professional level." -- Thanks to DeSoto County and EMA Reservist       
   Coordinator EC Ricky Chambers, KF5WVJ                                   
   Yasme Foundation Announces Grants and Excellence Awards                 
   The Yasme Foundation Board of Directors announced several grants when   
   it met in Orlando, Florida, on February 9. Financial support will go    
     * The SU8WRC/SU8X demonstration station at World Radiocommunication   
       Conference 2020 in Egypt.                                           
     * The Youth on the Air and HamSCI exhibits at Dayton Hamvention 2020. 
     * Contest University at Dayton Hamvention 2020, for audio/visual      
       equipment, student materials, and live internet streaming.          
     * The Croatian Amateur Radio Association (HRS) to support the         
       Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) 2020 Region 1 annual summer camp.      
   The Board also announced the individual and group recipients of the     
   Yasme Excellence Award, which recognizes significant contributions to   
   amateur radio through their service, creativity, effort, and            
   dedication. The award may recognize technical, operating, or            
   organizational achievement. The Yasme Excellence Award is in the form   
   of a cash grant and an individually engraved crystal globe.             
   The latest recipients of the Yasme Excellence Award are James Sarté,    
   K2QI, and rian Ciuperca, KO8SCA, for their efforts in combining the   
   latest state-of-the-art technology, diplomatic skills, persistence, and 
   leadership in reactivating United Nations Headquarters club station     
   4U1UN. ditional help with gathering equipment and logistical support  
   was provided by RA9USU, NT2Y, NT2X, K2LE, and N2UN (SK).                
   The Yasme Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation organized to       
   support scientific and educational projects related to amateur radio,   
   including DXing and the introduction and promotion of amateur radio in  
   developing countries.                                                   
   New World Distance Record Claimed on 122 GHz                            
   A new world distance record of 139 kilometers (86.2 miles) is being     
   claimed by radio amateurs in northern California. This tops the record  
   Mike Lavelle, K6ML.                                                     
   of 114 kilometers set in 2005 by WA1ZMS and W4WWQ, according to the     
   Distance Records on the ARRL website.                                   
   The February 17, 2020, contact was between Mike Lavelle, K6ML, on Mount 
   Vaca (CM88WJ75ON) at 835 meters (2,739.5 feet) above sea level, and     
   Oliver Barrett, KB6BA (at 1225 UTC), and Jim Moss, N9JIM (at 1250 UTC), 
   who were both on Mount Umunhum (CM97BD18VJ) at 1,016 meters (3333.3     
   feet) above sea level.                                                  
   Lavelle reports the dew point was -11 °C, the air temperature was 15    
   °C, the path loss was about 225 dB, and atmospheric loss was            
   approximately 0.35 dB/kilometer.                                        
   "CW was used, 122 GHz signals were very weak (7 dB above the noise in   
   22 Hz; -13 in 2500 Hz equivalent) with [fading] down to the noise       
   floor," Lavelle told ARRL. "Dishes were aligned on 24 GHz (71 dB above  
   the noise) prior to [moving] to 122 GHz; we heard signals right away on 
   122 GHz." The stations employed 60-centimeter satellite TV dishes and   
   ran "somewhat less than half a milliwatt" on 122 GHz, Lavelle said.     
   FAA's Proposed Remote Identification Rules Would Affect Drones, Hobby   
   The Federal Aviation ministration (FAA) is proposing to require       
   remote identification of so-called "unmanned aircraft systems" (UAS),   
   which include drones and hobby aircraft. A growing number of radio      
   amateurs utilize camera-equipped drones for aerial photography          
   purposes, to examine antenna systems, and to operate hobby aircraft     
   remotely on amateur radio frequencies. Comments on the Notice of        
   Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in Docket FAA-2019-11, are due by March 2.  
   "The remote identification of unmanned aircraft systems in the airspace 
   of the United States would address safety, national security, and law   
   enforcement concerns regarding the further integration of these         
   aircraft into the airspace of the United States while also enabling     
   greater operational capabilities," the FAA said in proposing the new    
   The FAA defines remote identification, or Remote ID, as the ability of  
   an in-flight unmanned aircraft "to provide certain identification and   
   location information that people on the ground and other airspace users 
   can receive." The FAA called the move "an important building block in   
   the unmanned traffic management ecosystem."                             
   "For example, the ability to identify and locate UAS operating in the   
   airspace of the United States provides additional situational awareness 
   to manned and unmanned aircraft," the FAA said. "This will become even  
   more important as the number of UAS operations in all classes of        
   airspace increases. In addition, the ability to identify and locate UAS 
   provides critical information to law enforcement and other officials    
   charged with ensuring public safety."                                   
   The FAA said it envisions that the remote identification network "will  
   form the foundation for the development of other technologies that can  
   enable expanded operations."                                            
   With few exceptions, all UAS operating in US airspace would be subject  
   to the rule's requirements and would have to comply, "regardless of     
   whether they conduct recreational or commercial operations, except      
   those flying UAS that are not otherwise required to be registered under 
   the FAA's existing rules."                                              
--- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
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