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Subject: Weekend HF antenna being replaced Date: Sat Sep 14 2019 10:09 am
From: Sean Dennis To: Ricky DeLuco

 RD> I am finally going to replace my HF antenna this 
 RD> weekend. I have been without
 RD> an HF antenna for the last six months and it has been 
 RD> driving me crazy.  My
 RD> last antenna was a simply G5RV and it got trashed in a storm.  

There's nothing wrong with a G5RV.  I built a G5RV Junior years ago and worked
from Alaska to Argentina with it.

 RD> Today, I am installing a OCF wipole 80-10 and looking 
 RD> forward to jumping back
 RD> on HF.  Miss Digital Modes :) 

Good luck and I hope it goes well. :)


--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * (1:18/200)

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