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Subject: Weekly ARRL Letter Date: Fri Aug 02 2019 06:05 am
From: Sean Dennis To: All

   The ARRL Letter                                                       
   August 1, 2019                                                        
     * Free Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Event Logging Software Now     
     * One Dead, One Injured in New Hampshire Ham Radio Tower Mishap        
     * DXpedition Team Donates Part of QSL Fees to Galapagos Conservancy    
     * The Doctor Will See You Now!                                         
     * ARISS Next-Generation Radio System Completes Critical Flight      
       Certification Tests                                               
     * Dhruv Rebba, KC9ZJX, is 2019 Newsline Young Ham of the Year       
     * The K7RA Solar Update                                             
     * Just Ahead in Radiosport                                          
     * AMSAT President Asks Members to Help Keep Amateur Radio in Space  
     * IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Seeks Student        
       CubeSat RF Hardware Proposals                                     
     * Cass Award Winners Announced                                      
     * In Brief...                                                       
     * Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions            
   Free Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Event Logging Software Now      
   Scott Davis, N3FJP, perhaps best known for the ARRL Field Day         
   software that bears his call sign, has developed a free logging       
   program for ARRL's Happy 150! Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration  
   on-the-air event that gets under way on August 31 and runs for 9      
   days. Davis calls his software Hiram Percy Maxim Contest Log 1.0.     
   Maxim, 1AW, who cofounded ARRL, was born on September 2, 1869.        
   "I've never created a program for a non-recurring event before,       
   because the coding time required is too large," Davis said in a post  
   to the N3FJP software user group. "I've made this exception because   
   this is a really nice, simple rule set with the very popular field    
   day-style exchange that has the added bonus in schedule flexibility   
   of running for 9 days. The Hiram Percy Maxim celebration sure looks   
   like a well-designed event that will be a lot of fun for us all."     
   The Happy 150! event will begin at 0000 UTC on August 31 and continue 
   until 2359 UTC on September 8. It is open to all radio amateurs. The  
   goal is straightforward: Contact as many participating stations as    
   possible. W1AW and all ARRL members will append "/150" to their call  
   signs during this event (DX operators who are ARRL members may        
   operate as <call sign>/150, if permitted by their country of          
   license.) Participating stations will exchange a signal report and    
   ARRL/RAC Section. DX stations will send a signal report and "DX." All 
   Amateur Radio bands except 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters are available.   
   Permitted modes are CW, any voice mode, and digital.                  
   Davis said Hiram Percy Maxim Contest Log 1.0 is full featured and     
   "very easy and intuitive to use."                                     
   "If the Hiram Percy Maxim celebration is received as strongly as it   
   appears, my hope is that ARRL will decide to make this an annual      
   event," Davis allowed. "After all, birthdays come once a year, and we 
   now have the infrastructure to continue."                             
   One Dead, One Injured in New Hampshire Ham Radio Tower Mishap         
   A tower dismantling turned tragic on Saturday, July 27, in Deerfield, 
   New Hampshire, when two radio amateurs working some 40 feet up on the 
   tower were carried to the ground when the structure collapsed. Joseph 
   Areyzaga, K1JGA, 52, of Goffstown, New Hampshire, did not survive     
   injuries sustained in the fall, while the tower's owner, Michael      
   Rancourt, K1EEE, 65, was seriously injured and remains                
                                                 Joseph Areyzaga, K1JGA. 
   hospitalized. Rancourt was taking down the tower in preparation for   
   selling his house, and the pair had nearly completed their work. They 
   were tied into the tower and went down with it as it collapsed.       
   The tower, a tilt-over model said to be 40 to 50 feet, had been       
   bolted to prevent it from tilting as it was being dismantled.         
   A law enforcement source said a number of people were at the site for 
   a social gathering as the tower was being taken down, and they        
   witnessed the tragedy.                                                
   No official determination has been made regarding the cause of the    
   structural failure, but a radio amateur who visited the scene         
   afterward observed that two of the tower's three legs were clearly    
   compromised and split cleanly and the third leg bent, just above the  
   fully intact tilt base.                                               
   The New Hampshire Amateur Radio tower-related fatality is the second  
   such deadly incident in a little more than 6 weeks. In mid-June, a    
   Pennsylvania radio amateur died when the tower he was installing      
   collapsed as he was attempting to attach a guy line to the            
   structure's bottom section.                                           
   DXpedition Team Donates Part of QSL Fees to Galapagos Conservancy     
   From February 28 until March 6, the HD8M Amateur Radio team operated  
   from the side of Cerro Crocker, a volcano high above the city of      
   Bellavista on Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos. The HD8M team       
   consisted of Jim Millner, WB2REM, a retired psychologist, and Bill    
   Mims, W2WCM, a retired airline pilot. The purpose of the operation    
   was to bring attention to the fragile ecosystem of the Galapagos      
   Islands through their Amateur Radio activity. As a part of the        
   confirmation process, the team exchanged QSL cards from which a       
   dollar or more would be donated to Galapagos Conservancy.             
   Bill Mims, W2WCM (left), and Jim                                      
   Millner, WB2REM, at HD8M. [Photo                                      
   courtesy of Jim Millner, WB2REM]                                      
   "We used ClubLog's Online QSL Request System (OQRS), bureau requests  
   associated with ClubLog, and SASEs for QSLing," Millner explained.    
   "When stations used OQRS and requested a direct QSL Card, they were   
   charged a $4 fee. We mentioned in the OQRS system that of every $4    
   received, were going to donate $1 to the Galapagos Conservancy. As it 
   turned out, however, we donated all extra money to the Conservancy."  
   At the time, the HD8M team was the only Amateur Radio operation in    
   the Galapagos Islands, making it a rare entity, so they found         
   themselves in high demand. In just 6 days of operation, they          
   contacted more than 8,000 stations in 140 DXCC entities as well as in 
   all 50 US states.                                                     
   Millner and Mims operated two stations equipped with Icom IC-7300s    
   and band-pass filters, operating on SSB, CW, and FT8, and using all   
   wire antennas. HD8M took part in the ARRL International DX Phone and, 
   despite poor conditions on the equator, they were able to make more   
   than 600 contacts. "FT8 was a particularly a good mode despite the    
   conditions," Millner said, noting that the location at 1,500 feet     
   elevation on the side of a volcano gave the pair "an amazing view" of 
   the ocean and outlying islands. "The wildlife was abundant with many  
   colorful birds and land iguanas, as well as huge Galapagos tortoises  
   that roamed around the 10-acre property.                              
   In addition, they added a fundraising component to their outreach and 
   on their website, where donations were made directly to Galapagos     
   Conservancy. As a result of HD8M's unique approach to fundraising,    
   they were able to donate $2,285 to the Galapagos Conservancy in       
   April. In September 2017, the HD8M team operated from Isabela Island, 
   and amassed $1,200 in donations to the Conservancy. -- This is an     
   expanded version of a story that appeared in Galapagos News           
   spring/summer 2019 issue and appears by permission.                   
   The Doctor Will See You Now!                                          
   "Noise Blankers and Noise Reduction" is the topic of the new (August  
   1) episode of the ARRL The Doctor is In podcast. Listen...and learn!  
   Sponsored by DX Engineering, ARRL The Doctor is In is an informative  
   discussion of all things technical. Listen on your computer, tablet,  
   or smartphone -- whenever and wherever you like!                      
   Every 2 weeks, your host, QST Editor-in-Chief Steve Ford, WB8IMY, and 
   the Doctor himself, Joel Hallas, W1ZR, will discuss a broad range of  
   technical topics. You can also email your questions to          , and the Doctor may answer them in a future podcast.  
   Enjoy ARRL The Doctor is In on Apple iTunes, or by using your iPhone  
   or iPad podcast app (just search for ARRL The Doctor is In). You can  
   also listen online at Blubrry, or at Stitcher (free registration      
   required, or browse the site as a guest) and through the free         
   Stitcher app for iOS, Kindle, or Android devices. If you've never     
   listened to a podcast before, download our beginner's guide.          
   ARISS Next-Generation Radio System Completes Critical Flight          
   Certification Tests                                                   
   The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)          
   next-generation Interoperable Radio System (IORS) successfully        
   completed a battery of stress tests, required as part of the final    
   certification of the hardware for launch to and operation on the      
   International Space Station (ISS). The IORS consists of a JVC Kenwood 
   D710GA transceiver and the AMSAT-developed Multi-Voltage Power Supply 
   (MVPS). In early July, the equipment successfully completed a series  
   of electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)   
   tests to ensure that the ARISS hardware will not interfere with ISS   
   systems or other payloads.                                            
   The IORS also successfully passed power quality and acoustics         
   testing, which verified that the ARISS IORS will not introduce        
   harmful signals back into the ISS power system and is quiet enough to 
   meet ISS acoustic requirements. ARISS Hardware Team members Lou       
   McFadin, W5DID, and Kerry Banke, N6IZW, were at NASA's Johnson Space  
   Center to support the 2-week battery of tests in concert with the     
   NASA test and certification team.                                     
   The ARISS MVPS, which is part                                         
   of the ARISS Interoperable                                            
   Radio System.                                                         
   "Since the IORS is being qualified to operate on 120 V dc, 28 V dc,   
   and Russian 28 V dc, as well as transmit on VHF or UHF, a lot of test 
   combinations were required to cover all cases," Banke said. "Each     
   input voltage type was also tested at low, medium, and high line      
   voltage. Moreover, additional permutations were required to test the  
   IORS under no load, medium load, and full load at each voltage level. 
   So it should not be surprising why the tests took 2 weeks to          
   Successful completion of these tests represents a key milestone in    
   preparing the IORS for launch. ARISS says it now can begin final      
   assembly of the flight units and prepare for their safety             
   certification before launch. ARISS is working toward launch-ready     
   status by year's end.                                                 
   Dhruv Rebba, KC9ZJX, is 2019 Newsline Young Ham of the Year           
   Fifteen-year-old ARRL member Dhruv Rebba, KC9ZJX, of Normal,          
   Illinois, has been selected as the 2019 Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF,       
   Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year (YHOTY). His    
   parents are Hari Rebba, VU2SPZ, and Shailaja Panyam. A rising         
   sophomore at the Normal Community High School, Dhruv is a member of   
   the Central Illinois Radio Club. He has been licensed since 2013,     
   after a visit to Dayton Hamvention^(R) with his dad sparked his       
   interest in Amateur Radio.                                            
                                    Dhruv Rebba, KC9ZJX, operates PJ2Y   
                                    from Curacao Island during the 2018  
                                    Dave Kalter Youth DX Adventure.      
                                    [Photo courtesy of KC9ZJX]           
   After getting his license, Dhruv became involved in ARRL Field Day    
   and public service events with the Central Illinois Radio Club,       
   including the We Care Twin Cities Half Marathon and the Hop on for    
   Hope Bike Ride/Walk. Dhruv says he found a way to combine his         
   interest in space and engineering with his new hobby, joining AMSAT   
   and pursuing his dream of a school contact with an astronaut aboard   
   the International Space Station.                                      
   In October 2017, he served as lead control operator for an Amateur    
   Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact with         
   students at his school, Chiddix Junior High, who spoke to astronaut   
   Joe Acaba, KE5DAR. On July 27 of this year, Dhruv helped to           
   facilitate another ARISS contact with Scouts attending the World      
   Scout Jamboree in West Virginia.                                      
   ARISS presentations at Dayton and Huntsville, Dhruv's selection as an 
   ARISS mentor, and networking with those putting together the ARISS    
   contact for the World Scout Jamboree led to his involvement in the    
   July 27 contact.                                                      
   In 2018, Dhruv was selected to take part in the Dave Kalter Memorial  
   Youth DX Adventure. He traveled to Curacao last summer, where the     
   PJ2Y team logged a record 6,262 contacts with 135 entities. His       
   favorite mode is SSB.                                                 
   Dhruv has earned many accolades for his Amateur Radio pursuits,       
   including the Young Ham Lends a Hand Award at the 2019 Dayton         
   Hamvention Youth Forum; a Presidential Award from AMSAT, and the      
   Radio Club of America Young Achiever Award. He also has traveled to   
   India to promote Amateur Radio awareness.                             
   The Young Ham of the Year was established in 1986 by Amateur Radio    
   Newsline cofounder Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF (SK), in 1986. Dhruv will   
   receive the 2019 YHOTY award during the Huntsville Hamfest on August  
   17. Read more. -- Thanks to Amateur Radio Newsline                    
   The K7RA Solar Update                                                 
   Tad Cook, K7RA, Seattle, reports: No sunspots were observed over the  
   past week, and solar flux remains flat, with average daily values     
   declining from 67.3 to 67. The average daily planetary A index edged  
   down slightly, from 5.3 to 5, and the middle latitude A index dipped  
   from 6.3 to 5.9. Predicted solar flux for the August 1 - September 14 
   is 67 -- every day.                                                   
   Predicted planetary A index is10, 8, 5, and 5 on August 1 - 4; 8, 16, 
   12, and 8 on August 5 - 8; 5 on August 9 - 16; 8 on August 17 - 18; 5 
   on August 19 - 26; 8, 16, 8, 5, 8, 22, and 16 on August 27 -          
   September 2; 5 on September 3 - 12, and 8 on September 13 - 14.       
   George, N2CG, in Saddle Brook, New Jersey, wrote to report that on    
   July 28, 6 meters opened to northern Europe -- mainly Finland -- with 
   very good FT8 signals for more than an hour. "This was my very first  
   time working Finland on 6 meters, and shortly after my QSO with       
   OH3SR, he verified our QSO on LoTW!" he wrote.                        
   Sunspot numbers for July 25 - 31, 2019 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, and 0,  
   with a mean of 0. The 10.7-centimeter flux was 68.2, 67.6, 66.7,      
   67.1, 66.1, 66.2, and 66.9, with a mean of 67. Estimated planetary A  
   indices were 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 8, and 8 with a mean of 5. Middle         
   latitude A index was 3, 4, 4, 7, 5, 8, and 10, with a mean of 5.9.    
   A comprehensive K7RA Solar Update is posted Fridays on the ARRL       
   website. For more information concerning radio propagation, visit the 
   ARRL Technical Information Service, read "What the Numbers Mean...,"  
   and check out K9LA's Propagation Page.                                
   A propagation bulletin archive is available. Monthly charts offer     
   propagation projections between the US and a dozen DX locations.      
   Share your reports and observations.                                  
   Just Ahead in Radiosport                                              
     * August 3 - 4 -- 10-10 International Summer Contest, SSB           
     * August 3 -- European HF Championship (CW, phone)                  
     * August 3 -- WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone                           
     * August 3 - 4 -- North American QSO Party, CW                      
     * August 3 - 4 --ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest               
     * August 4 -- SARL HF Phone Contest                                 
     * August 4 - 6 -- G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest               
     * August 6 -- ARS Spartan Sprint (CW)                               
   See the ARRL Contest Calendar for more information. For in-depth      
   reporting on Amateur Radio contesting, subscribe to The ARRL Contest  
   Update via your ARRL member profile email preferences.                
   AMSAT President Asks Members to Help Keep Amateur Radio in Space      
   "It takes considerable volunteer effort and real dollars to keep      
   Amateur Radio in Spac," AMSAT President Joe Spier, K6WAO, has         
   reminded the organization's members in a message that included an     
   invitation to the organization's 50th anniversary Space Symposium and 
   Annual Meeting in October. In addition, Spier put out a call for      
   "important assistance" in the areas of User Services and Engineering  
   (prospective volunteers may contact Spier via email).                 
   "AMSAT has several fundraising needs," Spier said, noting that        
   contributions to AMSAT are tax deductible to the extent permitted by  
   IRS rules. "The daily operation of AMSAT is accomplished by donations 
   to the General Fund. The other main department needs are the fund for 
   GOLF 3U CubeSats design/construction and Amateur Radio on the         
   International Space Station (ARISS)."                                 
   AMSAT-NA President Joe                                                
   Spier, K6WAO.                                                         
   Spier pointed to the 2018 successes of AO-92 (Fox-1D) and the launch  
   of AO-95 (Fox-1Cliff). "AMSAT partnered with Spaceflight Inc. by      
   contracting and paying for these launches," Spier noted. "Fundraising 
   for Fox-series satellites has not yet recouped this expenditure, so   
   donations are still being accepted." AMSAT expects to launch of       
   RadFxSat-2 (Fox-1E), in partnership with Vanderbilt University, by    
   the end of summer. AMSAT is also partnering with several universities 
   to fly the same linear transponder on their CubeSats.                 
   AMSAT has been selected for two CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI)      
   opportunities for GOLF-TEE and GOLF-1. "GOLF's 3U spaceframe is being 
   designed with versatility to add mission-specific radios, power       
   supplies, and experiments," Spier noted. "A series of GOLF CubeSats   
   will provide better coverage, and a greater footprint will allow more 
   coverage by fewer satellites."                                        
   One-time or recurring donations to AMSAT and ARISS are welcome. Read  
   IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Seeks Student CubeSat RF 
   Hardware Proposals                                                    
   The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) has          
   announced the MTT-Sat Challenge for groups of students developing RF  
   hardware for CubeSat applications. The MTT-Sat Challenge is a         
   worldwide competition for teams of undergraduate and graduate         
   students to design and build RF hardware for small satellites. The    
   most promising designs will undergo space environmental qualification 
   testing and could be incorporated into an actual CubeSat.             
   "The main goal of the MTT-Sat Challenge is to advance space RF and    
   microwave education, inspire students to pursue science and           
   engineering education and careers, and prepare tomorrow's leaders     
   with the interdisciplinary teamwork skills, which are necessary for   
   success," the society said in announcing the competition. The MTT-Sat 
   Challenge is intended to run over 4 academic years (starting in June  
   2019) and is divided into several phases spanning overall technology  
   readiness levels. Proposals may be submitted for every phase.         
   At this time, the IEEE MTT-Sat Challenge is calling for ideas that    
   could come from among the following fields: Transceivers based on     
   commercial of the shelf (COTS) components; antenna systems and arrays 
   for CubeSats; ground terminals for low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites;  
   radiation-hardened electronics based on COTS components;              
   inter-satellite communication; electromagnetic sensors for CubeSats,  
   and novel RF technologies for space applications.                     
   Detailed information is available on the MTT-Sat Challenge. The       
   submission deadline is October 2, 2019, 0900 UTC (October 1, 11 PM    
   HST). Those planning to submit proposals should send a brief letter   
   of interest by August 31.                                             
   Cass Award Winners Announced                                          
   Janusz Wegryzn, SP9FIH,                                               
   receives the                                                          
   Single-Operator Cass                                                  
   Award plaque from his                                                 
   sister, Elzbieta.                                                     
   Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH, has been named the winner of the 2018         
   Single-Operator Cass Award for the second year in a row. While active 
   from Sint Eustatius Island as PJ5/SP9FIH in March 2018, Wegryzn       
   contacted 8,257 unique stations during the 14 days of his one-person  
   The 3C0W Annobon Island DXpedition team was the recipient of the      
   first Unlimited Cass Award for its effort in                          
                                               Vilnis Vosekalns, YL2KF   
                                               (left), presents the      
                                               Unlimited Cass Award      
                                               plaque to YL2KL, YL2GM,   
                                               and YL1ZF during the      
                                               Latvian Amateur Radio     
                                               League's summer           
   logging as many DXers as possible. During March 2018, Girts Budis,    
   YL2KL; Yuris Petersons, YL2GM, and Kaspars Uztics, YL1ZF, contacted   
   18,812 unique call signs on the DXpedition.                           
   Sponsored by
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