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Subject: Digital modes Date: Tue May 14 2019 05:46 pm
From: Al Kaiser To: Sean Dennis

Sean Dennis wrote to All Subject: Digital modes

 SD> I use fldigi with flrig under Slackware 64 Linux in my shack.

fldig will not work with my Yaesu FTdx5000MP.  I am not the only one who can't
get it to work.  It will receive but will not put audio to the transmittler with
my RIGblaster Advantage.

All my other digtal and contesting programs work both stand alon and with
N1MM, PSKExpress, MMTTY, WSJT-X, CWType and CWGet.

Very disappointing because I enjoy Contestia, Hell and Olivia and the others
when I can see people using them.  At least PSKExpress gives me a few of those
modes but not all of them

-73- ('s Just to tick of the guy who posted about 73's)

(Not sure if this went so sending it again, sorry of you see it twice).

 -=>  Al Kaiser  <=-

Stay Healthy 'n Wealthy!

Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 14-May-2019 at 17:46.
Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet :

.!. Zathras can never have anything nice!
--- Terminate 5.00/Pro 
 * Origin: When did you TERMINATE your old terminal program? (1:142/926)

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In Reply To: Digital modes (Sean Dennis)