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Subject: Re: My pet peeves Date: Sun May 05 2019 12:51 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: HOLGER GRANHOLM


HG>them. 10-4 sounds familiar and so does 10-10 but that's about it.

  What's funny is when the local repeater uses numbers for the month and
day. October 4 comes across as "10-4". <BG>

HG>I had a Pearce Simpson installed in my delivery/service car and a
HG>similar in my shop so that I/we could stay in contact. Business use of HG>ham
radio is forbidden, that's the reason for CB communication.

  Or cellphone. But, around here...when there's a weather issue
(thunderstorms, tornadoes, snow, ice, etc.) the cell networks are the
first thing to crash).

HG>.. I've found a great way to start the day. I go back to bed!

  Works for me!!

Daryl, WX4QZ
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