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Subject: Re: My pet peeves Date: Sat May 04 2019 01:51 pm
From: Holger Granholm To: Mike Powell

In a message on 05-03-19 Mike Powell said to Holger Granholm:

Hello Mike,

> I wasn't long enough on CB to learn the 10-codes.

MP> I learned some of it because my uncle was a truck driver and, .....

MP> 10-4 is over and out
MP> 10-20 is location (as in "what is your 10-20"?)

Yeah, I've heard/read some codes but I really don't know the meaning of
them. 10-4 sounds familiar and so does 10-10 but that's about it.

I had a Pearce Simpson installed in my delivery/service car and a
similar in my shop so that I/we could stay in contact. Business use of
ham radio is forbidden, that's the reason for CB communication.

Some of the radio amateurs in our club have been very active on CB.

Have a good night,


.. I've found a great way to start the day. I go back to bed!
-- MR/2 2.30

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