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Subject: My pet peeves Date: Fri May 03 2019 04:25 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: SEAN DENNIS

SD>Hello Daryl,

Hi, Sean...

SD> DS>   Too bad there isn't a section on etiquette in the Question Pools.

SD>Yes.  I may sound curmudgeonly but good God that gets me going, especially t
SD>"73s" and "for ID" crap.

  I just say "Seven Three"...and for the ID, it's just my callsign, or
"This is [callsign]"...that's enough. "For ID" is redundant...just like
from the Associated Press Reporters Style Book -- the term "funeral
service" is redundant. :P

Daryl, WX4QZ

 ■ OLX 1.53 ■ My dyslexic friend said I should act my age, not my Q.I.
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