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Subject: Re: My pet peeves Date: Fri May 03 2019 08:19 pm
From: Mike Powell To: HOLGER GRANHOLM

> I wasn't long enough on CB to learn the 10-codes.

I learned some of it because my uncle was a truck driver and, when I was
young, there were a lot of pop culture references in the US about truckers (a
hit TV show about a trucker and his pet monkey, a hit song about a truck convoy,
etc.).   I do not remember much of it now, except that:

10-4 is over and out
10-20 is location (as in "what is your 10-20"?)

IIRC some of the other lingo I learned:

chicken coop - a highway rest area
bears - the police (and maybe more specifically, the state highway patrol)

That is about it.  :)


 * SLMR 2.1a * I'm dangerous when I know what I'm doing.
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)

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