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Subject: 2m discussion and tra Date: Tue Apr 30 2019 06:43 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: SEAN DENNIS

SD>Hello Daryl,

Hi, Sean...

SD>That's a quote from the original "The Blues Brothers" movie.

  I missed that one.

SD> DS>   After all...H.A.M. stands for "Have Another Meal", and you don't
SD> DS> call us "Late For Dinner"...otherwise, we have to do the dishes (hi hi).

SD>You don't see too many thin amateur radio operators do you? :D

  That's true.

Daryl, WX4QZ

 ■ OLX 1.53 ■ Lawyer: One who calls a 137 page document a brief.
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In Reply To: 2m discussion and tra (Sean Dennis)