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Subject: Re: SK Date: Thu Apr 25 2019 02:18 pm
From: Marc Lewis To: Daryl Stout

Hello Daryl.

<On 24Apr2019 16:56 Daryl Stout (1:19/33) wrote a message to MARC LEWIS
regarding SK >

ML>(SK April 14, 2019)
ML>Birth Date: Jan 22 1948
ML>10-10 Number: 53294

 DS>   It's pretty bad when the first thing one looks at in QST (if
 DS> they're an ARRL member) is the Silent Keys column (the list of hams
 DS> who have died).

 DS>   When I changed callsigns before this one, when I told one ham
 DS> that (callsign) would be no more, he thought I was hinting at
 DS> suicide. But, with the new callsign, the old one is no longer
 DS> valid.

And may your SK be decades away I pray.

This one moved me tremendously since we were such close friends.  It really
hurts.  ;-/

Be well my friend.


--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
 * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville, (1:396/45)

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