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Subject: Re: 2m discussion and tra Date: Wed Apr 24 2019 04:54 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: JIMMY ANDERSON


JA>I forgot about that! I was in the cub scouts too, and I learned
JA>the ASL alphabet, but never CW.

  There is such a video on YouTube:

  Or search for "Morse Code Sign Language" on YouTube...and look for
Polyglot Stuart Jay Raj Mnidcraft Morse Code Sign Language Alphabet Song
(it says to replay 3 times minimum). :) You feel like you want to
"boogie" to the music. And with music, you can't use that on the air.

Daryl, WX4QZ

 ■ OLX 1.53 ■ A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
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