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Subject: Re: 2m discussion and tra Date: Wed Apr 24 2019 12:44 am
From: Jimmy Anderson To: Mike Powell

-=> Mike Powell wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-

 > Remember the little morse code generators? Well, a button that would generate
 > a tone and the morse code alphabet was listed on a sticker
 > on the unit most of the time.

 MP> Yes, mine had those, too.  :)  I enjoyed turning it on just to
 MP> practice.  I was in Cub Scouts back then, and they still taught some
 MP> Morse Code back then.

I forgot about that! I was in the cub scouts too, and I learned
the ASL alphabet, but never CW.

 > Never had one with an AM radio, but I did have a little AM radio
 > 'backpack' for my Six Million Dollar Man action figure! That was
 > cool!

 MP> I bet that was!

It was! I haven't thought about that in YEARS until your message.

 MP>  * SLMR 2.1a * Why did CNN cancel that cool "Desert Storm" show?

Oh man - I'm stealing that one. :-)

 MP>  * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)

... Dr. Livingston I. Presume   (Dr. Presume's full name)
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