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Subject: Re: 2m discussion and tra Date: Tue Apr 16 2019 12:57 pm
From: Jimmy Anderson To: Holger Granholm

Okay - you've encouraged me. :-) Every time I get in the truck now
to change job sites (I work IT for a public school district - in
and out of ALL the buildings) I will make a call...

If you build it, they will come ?

-=> Holger Granholm wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 HG> In a message on 08-27-18 Sean Dennis said to Jimmy Anderson:

 HG> Hi Sean,

 JA> Well, I did, but I never got a reply. Not sure if this was something
 JA> that others heard about or tried?

 SD> I listened but as usual, nothing...

 HG> You don't create activity by just listening.
 HG> Jimmy is on the right track. Opening your mouth may create activity.


 HG> aka Holger

 HG> .. Don't go to work, there's a lot to do.
 HG> -- MR/2 2.30

 HG> --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2
 HG>  * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228)

... Got my tie caught in the fax... Suddenly I was in L.A.
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 * Origin: Lean Angle BBS * Southaven MS * (1:116/17)

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