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Subject: Re: 2m discussion and tra Date: Sun Apr 21 2019 08:35 am
From: Daryl Stout To: JIMMY ANDERSON


JA>I used to read a lot more than I do now. I still enjoy it, but I don't JA>get
to as many books as I used to...

  I multi-task...I read in the bathroom <G>. Or like the cartoon where
the individual is on the toilet, and the caption says "Crap!! I forgot
my smartphone!!" :P

JA>Yeah - Safari does that for me as well.

  Amazing how many have such weak passwords. Bots have tried to get into
the BBS, but with the recent addition of a CAPTCHA routine, they never
get there. Before that, Synchronet had a deal where if they logged on
with a certain name such as "Root, Sysop, Admin", etc., they were
immediately disconnected.

JA> DS> callsign...and what another ham thought E.D. actually meant!! <BG>.


  I can relate to "electronic doofus", and to the widely known meaning.

JA>LOL - I was in a play in November - that was a first for me! I meant
JA>as a musician for years, and as a singer/songwriter for the past several
JA>years now.

  I was in several in high school and college. We had "a co-ed dressing
room", but you didn't have time "to take inventory" of the opposite
gender. You were trying to change your costume, and be ready to go back
on stage again in short order.

JA>The one in Bartlett was a couple of weeks ago, but we didn't go. I have
JA>fond memories of going there with my wife over a couple of years, but
JA>really no reason to go this time. :-)

  I don't have the money, and the long drives or rides are very hard on
me, physically. At least in a Sleeping Car Roomette on Amtrak, I can
stretch out, where my legs don't cramp up.

JA>We also went to Huntsville a few years ago, but only once. It was fun, JA>but
not planning to go back for that. It's just not a major thing for
JA>us, for several reasons.

  Huntsville had far too much walking for me...although I'm nearly 70
poinds lighter now than what I was back then.

JA>We are planning to go to Superman Days again in Metropolis in June.
JA>Looking forward to that!

  The Daily Planet will have the blurbs on the prizes, no doubt. <G>

JA>We've never ridden on the train - we've talked about it before,
JA>but never did it. Our son lives in Indy now, and the train goes to
JA>St. Louis.

  "The Hoosier State" will be DISCONTINUED July 1, so one could only get
to Indianapolis from Chicago will be 3 days a week on "The Cardinal".
So, make your plans accordingly. "The City Of New Orleans" is the same
consist the serves "The Texas Eagle"...the former through Memphis, and
the latter through Little Rock...both of those run daily.

JA>... I found a piano stool. I thought they were housebroken.

  Playing too much Rhapsody In Pew. :P


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