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Subject: Re: 2m discussion and tra Date: Fri Apr 19 2019 12:23 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: JIMMY ANDERSON


JA> DS>   That isn't in my net list, but there may be a similar one on CQ100.

JA>Okay - googled that and wound up going down a couple of rabbit holes... :-)

  Go to for a list. I didn't see a Bible
Study net, per se...but 2 possible Christian related nets.

JA>Found an SDR but Windows only (I'm a Mac user) - found one for Mac, but
JA>it's a 'virtual' radio - doesn't actually use the air like echolink does.

  SDR: Software Defined Radio -- but if your XYL won't let you buy or
use it, it's "Spousally Declined Radio" (hi hi).

JA>Found a smart phone walkie talkie app that is kinda cool. It's also
JA>virtual, but you can use it around the world 'public' or you can
JA>make a private 20 character code and share that code with your
JA>friends and use it as a PTT walkie talkie for a group - that's
JA>kinda cool!

  Interesting. The battery probably runs down real quick, though.

JA>So is there an actual HF type SDR that I can use online without
JA>an actual, physical radio? Like echonet, I guess...

  Do you mean Echolink??

  As for the HF type SDR, I have no idea.

  The closest thing you could get would be CQ100, but it's $39 a year.
I do the QCWA CQ100 Net on Friday mornings. CQ100 simulates operations
on several HF bands, but no RF actually occurs. And, unlike real HF,
Novices up through Amateur Extra, can use it.

JA>... Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?


Daryl, WX4QZ

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