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Subject: Re: 2m discussion and tra Date: Thu Apr 18 2019 11:42 am
From: Jimmy Anderson To: Holger Granholm

-=> Holger Granholm wrote to Jimmy Anderson <=-

 HG> In a message on 04-16-19 Jimmy Anderson said to Holger Granholm:

 HG> Hello Jimmy,


 JA> Okay - you've encouraged me. :-) Every time I get in the truck now
 JA> to change job sites (I work IT for a public school district - in
 JA> and out of ALL the buildings) I will make a call...

 -=> Holger Granholm wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 HG> In a message on 08-27-18 Sean Dennis said to Jimmy Anderson:

 HG> Why are you taking up this matter from aug. 2018??

Because I was AFB (away from BBS'ing) for a LONG time and it
was still of interest to me.

Sorry if that offended you... Wasn't my intent.

And on the topic of calling - I've been turning my radio on to see
what I can do/get. Too much static yesterday to understand the other
person - today I hit the repeater that's tied in to other repeaters
across Tennessee. Made a contact with Trey in Middle Tennessee (I'm
in West Tennessee), so that was cool.

... Plagiarism prohibited, derive carefully.
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