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Subject: testpython Date: Sun May 29 2016 10:18 am
From: Gryphon To: Necromaster

On 05/28/16, Necromaster said the following...

 Ne>  Ne> I just tried it, it runs but then just freezes?  It was working fine
 Ne>  Ne> though

 Ne> Correction:  When I try the [I]NPUT part of the testpython it works
 Ne> fine, but when I try to use the [U]SER LIST part of it, that's when it
 Ne> freezes.

Ok, I tested it again.  I do get an error after the list is displayed.  But
it does not crash the BBS.  

 "No matter where you go, there you are!" - Buckaroo Bonzai

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