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Subject: CQ WPX Contest Date: Sun Apr 02 2017 10:29 am
From: Richard Menedetter To: Tony Langdon

Hi Tony!

01 Apr 2017 05:23, from Tony Langdon -> Richard Menedetter:

 TL> Currently working on my ATV station.  Got the new DVB-T receive system
 TL> working, so I can see the local repeater, now to finish the
 TL> transmitter chain, by testing the 30W PA and building a 5.8 GHz link
 TL> so the camera can be more mobile than the main 23cm Tx. :)


I received my LimeSDR ... but I have some issues with the SW and filtering.
Changed the weekend house from DVB-T (has been deactivated here) to DVB-T2.
Meaning I have a DVB-T decoder on my hands ...
When I gathered enough motivation I can try to transmit my own DVB-T stream to

I also played around with Osomocom-BB.
Reflashed a phone to have a menu, GSM phone, basestation light, rssi and EMI
applications in flash.

CU, Ricsi

--- GoldED+/LNX
 * Origin: I'm spending a year dead for tax Purposes (2:310/31)

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