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Subject: hello Date: Wed Mar 22 2017 05:43 pm
From: Nil Alexandrov To: JIMMY ANDERSON

Hello, JIMMY!

Saturday March 18 2017 22:23, from JIMMY ANDERSON -> ALAN BECK:

 AB>> MY call is VY2XU and I am from PEI in Canada.
 JA> Hey Alan! I'm KM4UXV - I have my General, but don't

I'm Nil, KC1GSH.
We have plenty of repeaters in the Boston area, so I can even enjoy
being a handheld  around.

Pretty sure that you are familiar with this resource .

I wonder if any of you guys are doing/interested in FidoNet over radio packet
which seems to be a good merge of both worlds, the offline textmode FidoNet
and 1200/2400/9600 AX.25 ham radio packet.

Best Regards, Nil

--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
 * Origin: DE KC1GSH 73! (1:16/101)

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