Section One BBS

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Subject: Time Warp of the Future BBS Date: Mon Aug 19 2024 09:57 pm
From: Lord Time To: SBBS User Avatars

Timestamp: Mon Aug 19 2024 21:57:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
 "AQcFoHYeAbdrrjM0B9+dNXUpEAgaA/qkZISsnBCDLSDXLlVGiKi86E5d68kA": [
  "Jon Justvig"
--- avatars.js 1.39
 ■ Synchronet ■ Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 IBBS Games
 * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705)

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