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Subject: This Week in Amateur Date: Fri Dec 23 2016 05:43 am
From: mark lewis To: Holger Granholm

 On 2016 Dec 22 09:38:00, you wrote to Rich Lawrence:

 RL>> I was curious if anyone had objections to me posting notices in the
 RL>> echo, when a new version of This Week in Amateur Radio is released?

 HG> It's already included in the area: REC-RADIO-AMAT-DX, so I think it's
 HG> unnecessary with the same in two areas.

who is gating that news group to fidonet? the echolist doesn't know about it so 
i and others don't have the first clue where to start trying to pick it up if
we want to carry it :(


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 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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