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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1093 July 7 2017 Date: Fri Jul 07 2017 01:05 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

7. This Week's Stories and Requests for Help/Blast from the past

Here's a reprint from the June 25, 2002 newsletter:

In search of a stolen memory a reader sent us this story. I have a passion for
40's and 50's rhinestone jewelry.  Several years ago my mother gave me a pair
of her rhinestone earrings from the 40's.  They were my favorites out of her
jewelry and I had always wanted to try them on when I was little.  About two
years later I was robbed and the earrings were part of what was stolen.
Needless to say I was heartbroken.  I spent several months looking through pawn 
shops hoping to spot mom's earrings with no luck.  About 10 years after the
robbery I was browsing through a local antique store and spotted the same
earrings that had been stolen from me.  I was delighted to purchase them back
at a reasonable price and regain a special and sentimental part of my mothers
life and my childhood.

Do you have an interesting story to tell? Send your story to and we may publish it here.  If we use your story, we'll
send you a handy-dandy TIAS pocket tape measure & magnifier

Please be sure to include your name and postal mailing address. (Valid for US
addresses only)

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