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Subject: Re: Wannbe HAM Date: Thu Sep 22 2016 07:05 pm
From: Joe Delahaye To: Tony Langdon

  Re: Re: Wannbe HAM
  By: Tony Langdon to Joe Delahaye on Fri Sep 23 2016 06:39:00

 TL> Here, we have what have been dubbed "hoon laws", which cover a range of
 TL> behaviours from burnouts to excessive speed. In the case of speed, this law
 TL> kicks in at 30 km/h over the speed limit, automatic confiscation of the
 TL> vehicle, For a first offence, 30 days (and you have to pay a hefty fee to
 TL> get it back), can't remember if it's a second or third offence that they
 TL> lose the car for good. There are also significant fines and demerit points
 TL> or loss of licence for a period of time. Basically, ridiculous speed will
 TL> land you in some serious hot water. And it doesn't matter who is the
 TL> actually owner of the car. If you were driving it, it's impounded. So if it
 TL> was a teenager taking Dad's car for a spin, there's another lot of hot
 TL> water when he gets home.

A lot of the same ideas as here, and likely in many places.  I dont know how it
would affect the driver's license of someone from another province, or country.
 I think if we have a reciprocal with that province then action will be taken by
the other province regarding license suspension.  With the USA it may be more
difficult, because even there, each state has their own rules.  The impound and
the fine however happen.  Likely also sent to they home province/state

As for Junior taking Dad's car, I guess Dad would have to report the car stolen

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