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Subject: Callsign Updates Date: Tue Mar 14 2017 01:18 pm
From: Daryl Stout To: All

  Amateur Radio Callsign Update from the FCC as of March 13, 2017. These
are in "sequential" format, and do not necessarily include "vanity

  Data is from the HamData.Com website at --
so, check that, in case typographical errors are in this message.

  In some regions, all the sequential callsigns have been issued, so
other callsign groups are being noted as well. The first 2 entries
for regions 0 through 9 are for Technician or General class licensees
(starting with a K), and then for Amateur Extra Class licensees
(starting with an A).

  The regions are noted as per Appendix 2, in Part 97 of the FCC Rules.


Region 0: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
North Dakota and South Dakota
  KE0MMM    AD0XO    KI0TK


Region 1: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island,
and Vermont

  KC1HEV    AC1CB    KE1MT


Region 2: New Jersey and New York



Region 3: Delaware, District Of Columbia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania

  KC3IUU    AC3AK    KF3ET


Region 4: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia

  KN4BSI    AK4ZZ    KX4BX


Region 5: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma,
and Texas

  KG5SFH    AG5JJ    KM5ZL


Region 6: California

  KM6JEP    AI6VV    KR6GH


Region 7: Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington,
and Wyoming

  KI7LKO    AG7FD    KK7ZK


Region 8: Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia

  KE8GIU    AC8YL    KI8KX


Region 9: Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin

  KD9IEH    AC9PS    KG9RJ


Hawaii               WH6FIZ    AH6VG

Alaska               KL4LD     AL3T     AL7RY     WL7CXZ
Northern Marianas    KH0ZN     WH0ACE

Guam                 NH2LK     AH2EH

American Samoa       KH8E      AH8Z     WH8ABM

Virgin Islands       NP2QI     KP2CX

Puerto Rico          WP4PUK    WP4HD

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