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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1077 February 10 2017 Date: Fri Feb 10 2017 12:21 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

6. is on Twitter! Click here and be sure to follow us!

We've also started an Instagram page, so please be sure to follow us there too! We recently added quite a number of really
unique items there!We now have a Instagram button at the top of the page at, along with the Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest buttons.

7. This Week's Stories and Requests for Help/Blast from the past

We try to post stories and comments from our readers each week. Send your story 

Here's a reprint of an interesting story from February 2002:

Just a note to let you know how I started to collect salt cellars.  We were
visiting family in South Dakota and they had quite a few antique pieces.  These 
included picture frames, a desk and some other items of interest to me.  We had 
a van and two boys and I thought I was going to be able to bring some "stuff"
home.  Well little did I know that after a visit to the local fireworks stand,
(fireworks we could not get in the west) Every available square corner of our
van, every nook and cranny was stuffed with guess what???  I was in fear for my 
life the entire trip back.  If we had been hit with something we would have
exploded into a million pieces.  I only had room on my lap to bring home 4 salt 
cellars which were the start of 100 piece collection.  It's been 25 years since 
that trip....Carol

If you have a story about an unusual collection, your best yard sale find or
how you started your collection, drop us a note. We may publish it here.  Send
your note to

Can anyone help identify what this is and what it was used for:

"It is heavy metal, 3 1/4 inches tall, the back is scooped out and I can put my 
finger through the band on bottom and out the hole, the protrusions in front on 
sides are marked with a capital D"

8. Facebook Updates
Remember that you can check out our Facebook page for some interesting updates. 
 Here's the link: If you have photos of
items you would like to share you can post them there as well. You don't need a 
Facebook account to visit our page.  If you do have a Facebook account please
"Like" us!

Also, everyday we post a "This Date In History" story on our Facebook page,
along with an item for sale on that relates to the event.
We're also highlighting one item each day that we find particularly interesting 
- something that's very unusual!  Check it out!

It's always fun to see what other people own and treasure! Although we can't
put the pictures in this newsletter, please visit our Facebook page to view the 
images and learn about those items.

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