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Subject: Windows benchmarking Date: Mon Mar 20 2017 07:25 am
From: Barry Martin To: Ky Moffet

Hi Ky!

 >   > I know that feeling and I'm retired!!
 >   KM> When did that happen? :)
 > What, that feeling?  Oh, every so often!  <gg>
 KM> Why, Barry!! <g>

<cheesy grin>

 > Retirement was effective June 1, 2016.  Decided things were getting worse and
 > worse at the store (well, the company running, and as poop rolls
 > down hill....), I was eligible for Social Security, and had set enough
 > aside in retirement funds, so made the plunge.  Water's fine! :)
 KM> Sounds like the Good Life <g>

I'm finding it rather enjoyable. :)  Nothing extravagant, but never did 
and that's not my style.

                        »                          «
                        »   Barry_Martin_3@        «
                        »                 @Q.COM   «
                        »                          «

... Retired magicians are disillusioned.
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