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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1075 January 20 2017 Date: Fri Jan 20 2017 03:09 pm
From: Janis Kracht To: All

7. This Week's Stories and Requests for Help/Blast from the past We try to post 
stories and comments from our readers each week. Send your story to

Here's an interesting item from one of our readers in South Australia.  Anyone
have any more info on this piece?

"After looking through your web pages, I am emailing with a photo for help in
identifying the item.  I think it is some sort of leather wrist strap to be
used when hand-sewing thick, hard, heavy material (such as leather or canvas?)
and have had it for many years since clearing out my grandparents' belongings.

The lighter colour part is of a very hard material, with a small, circular
raised section that looks as if a needle should be pushed against it to allow
the user/the person sewing, to give extra push to get the needle through the

Thank for your your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

Sellicks Beach, South Australia"
2207520000.1484919501./10154976392053656/?type=3&theater [wraps]

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