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Subject: The Collectors Newsletter No. 1074 January 13 2017 Date: Fri Jan 13 2017 11:45 am
From: Janis Kracht To: All

8. Facebook Updates

Remember that you can check out our Facebook page for some interesting updates. 
 Here's the link:

If you have photos of items you would like to share you can post them there as
well.  You don't need a Facebook account to visit our page.  If you do have a
Facebook account please "Like" us!

Also, everyday we post a "This Date In History" story on our Facebook page,
along with an item for sale on that relates to the event.
We're also highlighting one item each day that we find particularly interesting 
- something that's very unusual!  Check it out!

It's always fun to see what other people own and treasure! Although we can't
put the pictures in this newsletter, please visit our Facebook page to view the 
images and learn about those items.

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