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Subject: Re: Segment age limitation? Date: Tue Dec 17 2019 01:54 am
From: Ward Dossche To: Kees van Eeten

Kv>WD> Region 20     region20.*    2:20/0
Kv>WD> Region 24     region24.*    2:24/0
Kv>WD> Region 25     region25.*    2:25/0
Kv>WD> Region 28     region28.*    2:28/0
Kv>WD> region 29     region29.*    2:29/0
Kv>WD> ... etc ...
Kv> That will only work on systems, where only one dot is accepted in the
Kv> filename.
You make it sound as if that's the exception while in fact it's the rule.

--- D'Bridge 3.99
 * Origin: May the Source be with you (2:292/854)

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In Reply To: Segment age limitation? (Kees van Eeten)
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