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Subject: Segment age limitation? Date: Mon Dec 16 2019 02:00 pm
From: Andrew Leary To: Marc Lewis

Hello, Marc Lewis.
On 12/15/19 7:21 PM you wrote:

 ML> I'm running MakeNL 3.5.0 for OS/2. With the FORsesubmit 1 verb, it 
 ML> seems to have a limit on how old the segment files can be to be 
 ML> included in the submission. Does anyone know the actual age 
 ML> limitation on the stored segment files?

By default MakeNL goes back 7 weeks from the next publish day when searching for
a segment in the masters directory.  If your segments are older than that, copy
the most recent one to your mailer inbound.  MakeNL will detect the  segment in
the inbound directory and consider it a new update. 


--- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
 * Origin: Phoenix Point (1:320/219.1)

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