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Subject: Segment age limitation? Date: Sun Dec 15 2019 07:21 pm
From: Marc Lewis To: All

Hello All.

I'm running MakeNL 3.5.0 for OS/2. With the FORsesubmit 1 verb, it seems to
have a limit on how old the segment files can be to be included in the

Does anyone know the actual age limitation on the stored segment files?

Or am I missing some other verb?

Best regards,

--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
 * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville, (1:396/45)

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Replies: Segment age limitation? (Andrew Leary)Re: Segment age limitation? (Ward Dossche)Segment age limitation? (Torsten Bamberg)Segment age limitation? (Ulrich Schroeter)