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Subject: MakeNL DEB Build Date: Tue Aug 20 2019 08:16 am
From: mark lewis To: Deon George

 On 2019 Aug 20 15:11:42, you wrote to All:

 DG> This patch was needed because the docs and examples were moved and some
 DG> files were deleted.

did you also submit this to the SF repo's tickets? either


as the case may be...

i honestly don't know which is the better place to submit... i posted a
feature/fix patch on the SF repo and pointed to it in here but have not had any 
comments on it in either place :/


Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set 
them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
... Grits and hominy are not food. They are members of the gypsum family.
 * Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)

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In Reply To: MakeNL DEB Build (Deon George)
Replies: MakeNL DEB Build (Deon George)