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Subject: makenl msgids Date: Mon Jul 29 2019 12:29 pm
From: Paul Quinn To: mark lewis

Hi! mark,

On 28 Jul 19 21:14, you wrote to me:

 ml>>> has anyone else noticed that makenl is generating 10 character
 ml>>> serial numbers?

 PQ>> Still okay with MakeNL 3.4.8 (Linux) compiled with GNU C on Oct
 PQ>> 20 2018  21:07:21.

 ml> interesting... mine is also 3.4.8... compiled 2018 Oct 22 with gcc
 ml> (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0... hummm... are you 32bit or
 ml> 64bit?

Ahh, forgot... compiled in 32bit 14.04.2 Xubuntu.  Oops.  It's still running
fine on 32bit 18.04.1 Lubuntu, in a vBox VM.  I'm not doing any 64bit Fidonet
and don't ever intend to.


... One good turn gets most of the blanket.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20130515
 * Origin: Quinn's Rock - Live from Paul's Xubuntu desktop! (3:640/1384)

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In Reply To: makenl msgids (mark lewis)