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Subject: Posting a message with messagebase open Date: Sun Jul 12 2015 04:26 pm
From: Psi-Jack To: Nightfox

  Re: Posting a message with messagebase open
  By: Nightfox to Psi-Jack on Sat Jul 11 2015 08:37 pm

 Ni> Re: Posting a message with messagebase open
 Ni> By: Psi-Jack to Nightfox on Sat Jul 11 2015 21:19:17

 Ni>>> While using my message reader (written in JavaScript), I've noticed
 Ni>>> that if it has a sub-board open with a MessageBase object and lets
 Ni>>> the user post a message in that sub-board, in Linux, the
 Ni>>> MessageBase object doesn't seem to get updated with the number of
 Ni>>> messages in the sub-board. In 

 Ps>> Yeah.. I've noticed this as well..
 Ps>> Along with, and it's not at all consistent, sometimes when posting a
 Ps>> message it just crashes and hangs up, without ever posting the
 Ps>> message, and I don't think this is a SlyEdit issue either as it
 Ps>> happends just after the save occurs and only then.

 Ni> I've noticed that sometimes too, in Windows. It seems to happen randomly,
 Ni> so I don't know how to reproduce it. My guess would be that if you happen
 Ni> to be posting a message at the same time that the sub-board messagebase is
 Ni> being updated (via a QWK update), maybe there's some resource conflict
 Ni> that causes a crash. I haven't verified that theory though. I made a local
 Ni> update to my message reader to close its MessageBase object while posting
 Ni> a message and re-open the MessageBase after the posting is done - That
 Ni> seems to allow the total number of messages to be updated (in Linux), and
 Ni> hopefully it will make it more stable too. I'll release an update to my
 Ni> reader after more testing. 

Cool.. I will try it out when you do then. :)

I'm currently testing an idea of actually running Synchronet on CentOS 7, and
so far, after grinding thoroughly through building custom RPMs for DOSEMU,
BinkD, and Husky Tools, the main software needed for my full setup, I am
actually coming up with astonishing results.

I even went above and beyond and made a DOS door maintenance script that would
parallel run through each door that was configured in the script to allow
running 2+ dosemu sessions at the same time one for each door, and tracking of
each one. 

Unfortunately the one limitation was: I ended up using 4DOS 8.00 (Freeware), to
get proper logging done. I could never get FreeDOS's to allow me to
capture the date and time into a variable to output to a logfile, but this
allows me now to track that each door actually ran to completion, and not
aborted out in a DOSEMU crash. :D

)))[Psi-Jack -//- Decker]

... I reserve my abuse for lower life forms, like Civil Servants.

 ■ Synchronet ■ Decker's Heaven -//-

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