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Subject: Just for your.. Date: Thu Aug 08 2024 02:10 pm
From: kk4qbn To: halian

  Re: Just for your..
  By: halian to MRO on Thu Aug 08 2024 13:49:00

 MR>>> Thanks. Will have to find a Synchronet BBS in my area.


 ha> Sorry, *Mystic BBS. *facepalm*

I beleive you were correct the first time, You are calling from a Mystic BBS, it
 is Synchronet BBS that has the voting capablities. the (in my area) remark is w
hats kinda strange because most bbses these days can be contacted on the interne
t, and if you are still using dial up you can access a BUNCH of synchronet bbses
 worldwide using dialup also.
Tim (kk4qbn)
 ■ Synchronet ■ KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA

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