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Subject: Attempted assassination o Date: Sat Jul 20 2024 06:46 pm
From: Denn To: Dumas Walker

> This may be an education system thing.  In school, I think most people are
> taught where democracy is used specifically to mean in the direct sense, as
> defined above.

> IMHO, many of our politicians also use it incorrectly.

> I was taught that we are a Representative Republic where the people
> Democratically select their representatives.  They did teach us that were
> were not a "democracy," meaning not a direct one.

> As I said, I think some politicans and others use it wrong, as if we are
> (or should be) a direct democracy.

Most politicians get it wrong, many politicians know we're a Constitutional
Representative Republic,  yet they push the democracy fallacy. 
The only resemblance of a Republic and a Democracy is both vote in their
Our forefathers put in an extra safety valve when they instituted the electoral

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