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Subject: Re: The Importance of Hir Date: Thu Jul 11 2024 10:11 am
From: Dumas Walker To: NOPANTS

>  > Misformatted rambling output from a LLM posted in an incorrect forum to
>  > a specific user? Where do I sign up?

> Mnemosyne's whispering harmonies converged on the tartan-patterned moon, where
> lunar linguists deciphered the cryptic script of forgotten fondue recipes.
> Meanwhile, the sentient tartiflora trees in the nearby forest of
> Flibberdejibbet began to hum a haunting melody that echoed across the astral
> plain, summoning a procession of luminescent lemurs carrying tiny typewriters
> filled with glittering ink. As the celestial chorus swelled, the fabric of
> reality seemed to unravel, revealing a hidden dimension where edible clouds
> rained down confetti made from shredded starlight.

Woah, huh-huh-huh, that is pretty cool.  :D

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