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Subject: Re: bug eaters Date: Thu Jul 04 2024 08:03 am
From: The Godfather To: MRO

 MR> people are posting their grocery receipts from last year, comparing them to
 MR> the same items.  prices are about 2x.

We are a family of 5, it's amazing how few bags we get for $150 compared to a
few short years ago.  

 MR> i'm still not so sure why chicken is so expensive when we can produce
 MR> chickens so fast.  go look up morgan spurlock's doc on chickens

Lots of reasons, the culling being one.  We own chickens.  The price of feed is
up significantly, and many brands are made by Purina.  Purina and Tractor Supply
were within the news (and all over social media platforms) as making food that
was slowing if not stopping the production of eggs.  As soon as people changed
brands, their chickens
started laying again.  


... As a matter of fact, it IS a banana in my pocket!

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Replies: Re: bug eaters (Dumas Walker)