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Subject: Re: bug eaters Date: Wed Jul 03 2024 11:20 am
From: Denn To: MRO

>   Re: Re: bug eaters
>   By: Bf2k+ to MRO on Wed Jul 03 2024 04:32 am

> yeah i've been dipping into the credit cards way too much.
> i'll have to run leaner and pay them off aggressively.

> people actually believe this, too.  that's why you can't trust people.
> our forefathers in the usa even mentioned you can't trust people to make
> judgements.  that's why we don't have a democracy.

Democrats have been saying "Our Democracy is at stake" so long that Republicans
actually say it now.
 I point out regularly to Dems an Republicans that our form of Government is "
a Constitutional Representative Republic " and not a "Democracy ".

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