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Subject: MakeNL Project... Date: Sun May 26 2013 12:25 pm
From: RJ Clay To: Kees van Eeten

Hi Kees!

24 May 13 12:37, you wrote to me:

 KE>>>  But the lead maintainer should be aware of who else can be of
 KE>>> help.

 RC>>    Certainly, but I don't know that we have a 'lead' maintainer
 RC>> and anyone can help.

 KE>  Whoever has the overvieuw of the project, and maintains it on sourceforge.

  There are currently five people registered with the MakeNL project at
SourceForge; with andrew clarke and Andrew Leary doing the majority of the
recent code work. I've mostly been doing packaging work plus project admin,
testing, and maintaining the MakeNL GIT repository (including imports from the
CVS repository (which is still currently the primary code repository). Others
are more than welcome, however they contribute...


--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217
 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)

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