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Subject: after reading a lot of th Date: Sat Jun 01 2024 01:53 pm
From: MRO To: Dumas Walker

  Re: after reading a lot of th
  By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sat Jun 01 2024 10:16 am

 > At the very beginning of COVID, I actually noticed people being nicer to
 > others.  Like the folks who drove by a house up the street to wave and wish a
 > kid Happy Birthday, or the teachers who paraded through neighborhoods to wish
 > their students a happy summer break.  It was all done with distancing but was
 > really nice.

i saw people standing on their doorsteps banging pots and pans.  that stuff
seemed kinda crazy.  I know a person that was doing that.  People felt helpless
so they needed something to do.

 > There was other stuff like that in other places that was on the news that
 > gave you a sense that we were treating others well.

 > Then came Summer and people in some areas went nuts.

During covid i saw things i never saw in my entire life. My car was broken into
for the first time.  People were riotting in my city.

I drove home from work and i saw a car on fire and the flames were like 20 feet
in the air. it was like madmax.  There was a paper dispenser like one from
target or something and it was sitting in the front lawn.  it had a full roll of
paper in it.  Target is about 10 mins away.  Why is it in my front yard?

I was going to board up my windows.  I was told to take down my american flags
outside.  People were putting up black lives matter signs so their houses didn't
get vandalized or burnt down.  People were standing in the middle of highways
and making people late for work.  I knew 3 people who killed themselves and
atleast 5 other people who died of covid.

Honestly I think we need a revolution and we need to tear out and replace our
govt.  people need to be held accountable. They do NOT have our best intrests in
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