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Subject: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats Date: Fri May 31 2024 07:43 pm
From: MRO To: Dumas Walker

  Re: Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
  By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Thu May 30 2024 09:08 am

 > >ever see the 'we're coming for your children' singing video.  then someone
 > got >ahold of it and did bg checks on the people. a  bunch of them are pedos.

 > No, but I did see the one where a very masculine looking transwoman (looked

they are saying that the people who were in gay men's choir video only shared
the same name as sex offenders.  there was no more digging.  so who knows

 > up.  His belief, and the belief of the church, is that the "created in his
 > image" passages means that all humans are of one race.

 > He also went on to talk about how many of the things that society uses to
 > divide people, including racism, are just that -- tools of division.

yeah the devil is out there. and he lives in the heart of people with hate.
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