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Subject: MRO's Vulgarity Stats Date: Mon May 27 2024 08:20 pm
From: MRO To: Mickey

  Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
  By: Mickey to MROBot on Mon May 27 2024 07:48 pm

 >   Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
 >   By: MROBot to All on Sun May 26 2024 21:03:38

 >  > Bitch          6   4.76%
 >  > Damn you       1   0.79%
 >  > Dickhead       1   0.79%

 > Bitch and Damn are now targets?

 > You bitch damn fuck bugger you.

 > Whoops, I'd better be careful or someone will put me in their lis.......

shhh! this is supposed to be a joke! so funny, right!
everyone's rolling on the floor laughing.  my sides are hurting.
king of comedy here.

with the damn, i probably said soemthing like 'damn you have to pay that much?"

also i dont capitalize things so there's another flaw.
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