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Subject: MRO's Vulgarity Stats Date: Mon May 27 2024 05:40 pm
From: MRO To: Dumas Walker

  Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats
  By: Dumas Walker to MROBOT on Mon May 27 2024 12:39 pm

 > > This is a simple statistical analysis of MRO's vulgarity on DOVE-Net since
 > > 2012-03-30 18:26:12 CDT.

 > > Autistic      18  14.88%

 > I was not aware that the word "autistic" was a vulgarity.  If it is, my
 > ex-g/f sure did curse a lot more about her ex-husband, and also her son, than
 > I realized.

I think eric's attempt is backfiring on him.

like i said before, he wants every msg net to be like fxnet.
he has the assburgers.
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