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Subject: Release of v3.4? Date: Sat May 25 2013 11:21 am
From: Roy Witt To: Kees van Eeten

Kees van Eeten wrote to Roy Witt:

 RW>> I'd volunteer my RC, but he's probably just getting out of surgery
 RW>> today and not up to the task...

 KvE>  Whish him well.

My mistake, he goes into surgery on the 30th...I've wished him well and
good luck.

 RW>> Apparently it does have a problem as it doesn't like the segment
 RW>> without a PVT flag and -Unpublished- in the phone field either. That
 RW>> is why the two keywords are commented out in my segment and node 10
 RW>> is flying PVT and 000 etc. numbers in the phone field. Once MNL can
 RW>> work with an OS/2 system, I can uncomment those two keywords, revise
 RW>> the node 10 line and forward my revised segment to my RC...

 KvE>  Nice that is a report I could work with. Bob Seaborn has informed
 KvE> us on the version of his OS/2.

 KvE>  Now lets hope there is a developer with OS/2 to tackle this
 KvE> problem.

I think Andrew has such a system availble to him.

 KvE>  I have never had a OS/2 system, so the lead time to do anything
 KvE> will be long.

I had OS/2 up and operational, about 17 years ago. I didn't like it and
went back to MSDOS 6.2...

 KvE> Add that to the travelling season and we are talking New Year's eve.

I've been following your trip to Norway and other places lately. Sounds
like something I'd like to do when I get younger again. Maybe you can cut
it short and be home by Christmas...8^)


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In Reply To: Release of v3.4? (Kees van Eeten)
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