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Subject: How to change blink c Date: Mon Oct 03 2016 07:42 am
From: Barry Martin To: Ky Moffet

Hi Ky!

 >   > My semi-blink friend suggested trying a screen reader called "NVDA" --
 KM> Semi-blink? :)
He can see, so not a 'blink', but not all that well.

 >   KM>
 >   KM> Actually, I can't stand screen readers.
 > I've never used one -- partially because I have Pandora going in the
 > background, and probably would need to use headphones -- the music from
 KM> Yeah, if I'm doing Actual Work, there's usually music going, tho
 KM> mine is mostly of the fill-up-the-cracks-in-your-brain variety. Industrial,
 KM> aggrotech, and EBM. Stuff that when I was 16 I woulda
 KM> hated, and now that I'm 61 it's all I listen to! I think I live
 KM> in upsidedown land. :)

<laff>  Well 16 is 61 backwards!  

 > tend to skim read and a voice reading to me would just slow things down.
 > Especially on some e-mails where we fail to do much snippage of the old
 > portions of the thread!
 KM> Haha, yeah, wouldn't that get confustulating. Especially when a
 KM> line stops in the middle of a sentence.

Confusion!  <g>

 >   KM> There's one built into Knoppix, tho hell if I could figure out
 >   KM> how to turn it OFF. Was about to drive me mad, and really lagged
 >   KM> the system. (Puts Knoppix on the "no way" pile.)
 > Speaker, wire, snip! <g>
 KM> Seriously... turned 'em off til I got done looking at it.

If nothing better found and I had to stick with things I probably would
have added a speaker switch -- mount to a 5¼" bay cover (and even though
'all theoretical' my mind is thinking of what else could be added to 
that blank panel while I'm at it?!).  Cutting off the speaker doesn't do
much for whatever was causing the system to lag.

 >   > is free (as opposed to some that cost $800 to $1000) but he doesn't know
 >   > anything about its cursor.  ...He's been told your vision problem is
 >   > just just due to being 'ripe' but thinking a little outside the cursor
 >   > utility box.
 >   KM> And it's not even the aging eyes so much as that the bigger the
 >   KM> screen the higher the resolution and the smaller everything
 >   KM> gets...
 > <chuckle> Uh-huh!  I have my screen resolution set to 1920x1080 (it is a
 KM> Mine too. Only immediately-available monitor I liked was a 27"
 KM> which also happened to be the only one that wasn't only 900 high,
 KM> which was totally unacceptable.

I tend to enlarge the text/contents of the active window - probably
'cheating' as far as resolution is concerned but I need to be able to
read!  ...Around here also found there is a definite difference between 
the readability off a monitor and that of a TV screen.  Theoretically 
the same resolution, viewing distance (adjusted for screen size), but 
the monitor is a lot more difficult to read.

 > widescreen monitor), but some of the apps I might have the windowed
 > resolutions set a little lower to enlarge the text slightly.
 KM> It has individual window resolutions now?

Well, more like magnification, built in to the utility.  Along the lines
of being able to change the font size of a specific window in Windows.

 > I'm not sure what the pixel specs are when I'm looking at Evolution
 > (e-mail) but I have lost the stupid cursor in it.  I also tend to get
 KM> I hate when that happens.. that's why I was looking for a
 KM> replacement. And the I-beam selection cursor, that I could
 KM> change. The typing cursor -- I can make wider in apps that use
 KM> the Windows widgets, but that's all. And when it's wider, it
 KM> messes up on proportional fonts, can't tell what's a space or two
 KM> spaces or sometimes exactly where it IS. <grumble>

I've not paid attention to that detail but yes, not the best cursors.  
I'm a little surprised it hasn't been corrected or someone made an 
add-on.  ...Must be more difficult than we think!

 > 'phantom cursors' ==>make a typo, go back to correct, and where the
 > error was (and the real cursor was) is a non-blinking vertical bar.
 > Disappears when I start typping again, but a bit confusing as to whether
 > I'm over here or over there.
 KM> You're lost. :)

But I did find Waldo!

 > And I just noticed something with the MultiMail OLMR I'm using here.
 > The cursor's a nice fat but small square (ALT_220) in regular typing mode but
 > on insert mode it changes to a double-thickness underscore, so it's
 > horizontal versus vertical.  ...Still need to figure out how to capture
 > and modify......
 KM> That's the normal DOS cursor. The one we used to customize with
 KM> ANSI statements. :)

So we could change it with simple DOS but lost the capabilty with the 
advanced OSs!

 >   > (And if you find something I might be interested too -- though need
 >   > Linux -- as there are times I loose the cursor in Evolution [e-mail
 >   > utility].)
 >   KM> Windows' mouse pointer can be easily found by setting CTRL key to
 >   KM> ping the spot. I think there's a similar setting in some linux
 >   KM> distros.
 > "You are here --> "   <gg>
 KM> "It's over there --> "  <ggg>
Maybe we should rename the cursor 'Waldo'!   (Where's Waldo? <gg>)

BTW, quotebacks stated I was using Evolution for e-mail; have switched 
to Thunderbird.  Evolution was giving various issues, of course now I 
have forgotten the details.  

                        »                          «
                        »   Barry_Martin_3@        «
                        »                 @Q.COM   «
                        »                          «

... NAGLINE: "Get your feet off the table."
--- MultiMail/Win32 v0.47
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 ■ RNET 2.10U: ILink: Techware BBS ■ Los Angeles, Ca ■

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