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Subject: Wannbe HAM Date: Fri Sep 16 2016 10:43 am
From: Bob Seaborn To: Joe Delahaye

 >BS> I suspect most politicians never made use of what they had (if any) in
 >BS> the first place. :)

 > Probably right.  I`m sure you`ve heard of the fiasco here in Ontario
 > with our
 > Hydro, carbon taxes, etc..  Then she thinks that cutting the PST (a
 > measly 8%)
 > off the hydro bills will placate people.

No, I hadn't heard that.  I guess we'e lucky out here, no form of 'carbon' tax, 
and only 5% pst.


--- GEcho/32 & IM 2.50
 * Origin: DE VE5XEF (1:140/12)

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