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Subject: Re: Wannbe HAM Date: Thu Sep 15 2016 10:46 pm
From: Joe Delahaye To: Tony Langdon

  Re: Re: Wannbe HAM
  By: Tony Langdon to Joe Delahaye on Fri Sep 16 2016 07:04:00

 JD>> You dont see them as much any more.  Some still have them of course.
 JD>> However, here in Ontario Canada, it is illegal to use them while
 JD>> driving (Hams have an exemption (for now))

 TL> It's funny how histor goes. The government back in the 1970s wanted UHF for
 TL> CB and set aside a band at 477 MHz. However, the sheew weight of numbers of
 TL> 27 MHz CNs in circulation forced them to adopt the US style service as
 TL> well. Before then, this frequency range was actually the 11 metre ham band,
 TL> and older gear like the Yaesu FT-101 series came with it fitted. 


 TL> So the question of whether CB is still in use here has a second question
 TL> "which band"?

Well we never had UHF CB here.  27 Mhz only.  First it was only AM, and then
they gave us Side Band.  A lot of us stayed on USB, and of course some of us
just happened to get into the lower end of 10 meter <G>.  I ran a very
successful net for a few years, but only on the legal channels.  Things died
down, in the late 80s here.  During all this time, I was trying to get my Ham
license, but kept failing to get the required wpm in CW.  Needed 12 at that
time.  Tried three times, and then they came in with No-Code, and I got my Basic
Licence.  Last change they made I got grandfathered in to HF

--- SBBSecho 3.00-Win32
 * Origin: The Lions Den BBS, Trenton, On, CDN (1:249/303)

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