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Subject: 9/7 World Salami Day - 2 Date: Fri Sep 06 2024 11:34 am
From: Dave Drum To: All

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
      Title: Salami & Eggs
 Categories: Beef, Eggs
      Yield: 3 Servings
      2 tb Parve margarine or schmaltz
      2 sm Onions; chopped
      6 oz (150 g) salami; cubed
      6 lg Eggs; lightly beaten
           Fresh ground black pepper
           Fresh chives; chopped
  In a skillet, melt schmaltz or margarine over low heat.
  Add onions. Saute over medium heat until translucent.
  Stir in salami.
  Pour eggs over salami and onions. Stir over low heat
  until soft curds form. Be sure to remove from heat
  before the eggs get dry.
  Season with pepper.
  Garnish with chives, and serve with toasted bagel.
  Recipe by Itzhak Perlman on an Emeril show in TVFN
  Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives

... "Any clod can have the facts, but having opinions is an art "- Charles
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